You may have noticed that some arguments are a waste of time. Things will not change, no matter what is said and, therefore, it’s useless energy expended. You get all worked up and your blood pressure rises. It’s not good for the health, so decide to let it go. But, you may want to put up a fight over certain principles, such as feeling mistreated by someone. You might fight back, up to a point, and then decide to back off, knowing you have at least expressed yourself.
You may have noticed that some arguments are a waste of time. Things will not change, no matter what is said and, therefore, it’s useless energy expended. You get all worked up and your blood pressure rises. It’s not good for the health, so decide to let it go. But, you may want to put up a fight over certain principles, such as feeling mistreated by someone. You might fight back, up to a point, and then decide to back off, knowing you have at least expressed yourself.